Fictional Races Exercise

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

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I wrote this several years ago and it has since enjoyed a lot of attention on DeviantArt. I'm crossposting it here as well.

It was based on a class handout about Germanic Tribes. I modified and expanded it to help people make a more thorough and rounded fictional race.

Feel free to repost your filled out version online, but remember to link back here so others can use it too!

Fictional Races Exercise

Inhabitants and Origin of Name Where did your race/civ come from? Are they related through past history to another race, that made them who they are today? Where did the names of the land and race originate?

Climate, Land Conditions, Land exploitation Describe the land your race lives on, weather patterns, and what from the land your race exploites: metals, wood, farming, gems, fur, etc

Arrangements of Towns/Cities Do individuals own their land or does the government? How much land does one family occupy? Do they have homes close together or far apart with a lot of land in their care? Are homes generally large or small? How many families live in a single building? What other buildings are in every town? Bakery, Butcher shop, Post Office, Fire House, etc. What are homes made out of? Are they built among the lay of the land or is the land renovated for building purposes?

Physical Characteristics What does the race look like? Eyes, Hair, skin, build, height, weight, whether they are physically strong or not, relations to weather condtions (are they built for cold weather or warm weather), differences between males, females, children, etc

Dress What is the garb of the race? Traditional, Everyday, Seasonal, Ceremonial, Differences between men, women, children, position of power, etc. What are the clothes made out of? Who makes them? A tailor, an elder, or family members? What jewelry do they wear, if any? How is hair worn? Is it different between age and gender?

Deities/Religion Explain the religious figures of the race, and the powers they are believed to have, as well as their relationship to the people. What beliefs does the race have about how to behave and treat others, objects, animals, etc? In times of war? In times of peace? How big of a role does it play in the daily life of the race?This is an important factor, don't overlook it. If there isn't a religion, explain what about the race makes them independent from religious faith

Religious Practices and Divination How does the race worship? What are their customs and rituals? Are there any sacred items, creatures, times of the year?

Habits in Times of Peace What is the behavior of the race when peaceful? Are they ever peaceful? Do they hold festivities, behave differently to others? Are roles different than in times of war?

Daily Life What do they do, from waking to sleeping? Eating, Bathing, Interacting, working...Describe basic rituals.

Food Describe what the food is like, typical ingredients, meats, spices, herbs, grains...What importance does it have in the culture? What alcohol and other beverages? Is there religious or historical factors in what they eat?

Sports and Pastimes What is done for fun? Is there organized entertainment? Clubs, teams, competitions? What significance to the culture?

Marriage Rituals What is the ceremony like, if there is one? Who comes to the ceremony? What is worn? What gifts are passed between families? Money, jewelry, animals, or other objects? What is the marriage age? Is marriage a choice? Are spouses chosen by another family member/the government? What is inherited in marriage? A name, object, positionm etc. What are the roles of the male and female? What are the benefits of having kids? How many kids are typically had? What are the religious or historical factors in a marriage ceremony?

Children and Succession Who takes care of the children? How are they raised as babies? What are they taught as small children that's important to society? Who inherits what in the family? How are children treated? When are they considered adults? How is inheritance determined?

Training of Youth How are the young prepared for adulthood? Who trains them? Are there difference branches of training? Do children inherit their occupation or do they choose? Is there a formal institution of education or do elders and parents train the children? How much is left for experience? What's the most critical lesson children learn?

Government and Gender Roles Who runs the race/civilization? Is it a matriarch, patriarch, dictatorship, is there a king or an elected official? What are the roles of men and women in the government and society? Almost every civilization on earth has a government of some sort. Even if it doesnt play into your story, explore this factor of the race

Councils If there's a problem who is it taken to? What other uses for council are there? How much power do they have? How are the members appointed? Who appoints them?

Administration of Justice How is crime dealt with? How are criminals caught, and what happens to them? What are the crimes most strongly punished, and what is the religious or historical basis behind it, to create such extreme punishment for committing this act? How much leniancy does the race have? Are they passive with criminals, or aggressive? Is there a lot of crime or little?

Arms, Military Conduct Describe weaponry and how the military is run, formal or otherwise. What strategies are typical for this race to perform in war? Who controls the troops? How are they chosen? Any reactions to death by war? How does religion play into warlike behavior? Who fights? Men, Women? How old are the troops?

Habits in Times of War How does the society react to war? Do the people tighten or fall apart? How do roles change? What is the defense system? How is victory celebrated?

Funeral Rituals What is done with the dead? Who comes to funerals? How is the dead prepared? What is the garb? What are religious beliefs tied to death? What is the age range of death? Is the family compensated by the government, gifts from guests, etc?

Additional Topics
Relationship with Nature
Power in the World


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